You Might Be the Parent of an Autistic Child If...
A Humorous Look at Autism and the Autistic Child
As the mom of a thirteen year old autistic child I've had my share of struggles, tears, frustration and just plain old anger. And who wouldn't, Autism is one of the most puzzling and difficult to understand of all of the disorders. There is currently no known cure and what helps one child doesn't help another and no one knows why.
However over the years as I've met other parents of autistic children and shared experiences one thing has become perfectly clear to me, there is humor even in Autism. Although our children are all very different there are certain things that every parent of an autistic child can relate to and even find funny. Call it a common bond between us if you will and know that...
You Might Be The Parent Of An Autistic Child If...
You walk into your child's room and every single toy car they own is lined up in a perfect straight line.
On a hot day at the park your child removes all their clothing and runs around naked and you're not surprised.
ABA, IEP, GFCF, and PECS are more than a bunch of random letters in your world.
Your child can tell the difference between a Cheese Nip and a Cheez It by smell and runs around screaming if you try and substitute one for the other.